
My 5th grade year

My 5th grade year was fun and challenging and the teachers were vary nice and my passion project was so fun i did Odell.  

Power loom


war of 1812 poem

war of 1812 fought between united states

Andrew Jackson was a leader

risked national disaster going to war with Britain

only 18 sailable ships

first printed virson of Francis Scott keys

18 sailable ships


1850 president Madison signed name on senate

20 miles to inform the British attack

Miracle Massager

Battle of freeman’s farm Saratoga

On September 19th 1777 the battle of Saratoga  also known as freeman’s farm the British were  in control of new York and Rhode island and Canada. native Americans and German had decide to side with the British general Howe was about to take Philadelphia the selfproclaimed capital of new united states of America



First it started to rain.  Then we got soaked. After that we ran into the building. Finally the thunder and the lighthing lasted for hours.


patriot poem

Finding MLK

history of soccer


This year in 2017. I am going to make better grades and start to get in some sports here in white oak like football. that is my favorite sport and my favorite football team is NY. and a goal for this third nine weeks is try to make all good grades this nine weeks.

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